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Here are All of the Beauty and Health Benefits of Drinking Peppermint Tea

Posted on 11 August 2022

mint bamboo teaOne of my favorite ways to boost the flavor of my drinking water was to add a sprig of peppermint.   It just seemed like a fancy gesture that made my water a little prettier but I didn't think the addition of peppermint did much else.  

Then I learned that peppermint could provide real benefits, and if I wanted to experience the wonderful benefits of peppermint, the best way  incorporate it into my routine as a tea.

I loved the taste of peppermint so drinking it in tea form was right up my alley. Herbal teas offer various benefits so I was excited to learn about all that peppermint tea had to offer.

Clearer Skin Acne Treatment

My favorite potential side-effect of drinking peppermint tea is how it can help clear acne-prone skin.  Not only will drinking more tea help you to increase your water intake, which is also good for the skin, but you'll also experience the inflammatory effects as well. Why is this important?  Because inflammation can often be a root cause for acne related issues, addressing inflammatory issues from the inside out is a powerful anti-acne strategy.  Topical products are cool but they treat acne after the fact.  At that point, you'll also have to deal with blemishes and the scarring that'll get left behind.  Peppermint is an all natural alternative that could help you win the war against acne. 

Weight Management 

If you're looking for a simple hack that could help you manage your weight, try incorporating peppermint tea in your routine throughout the day to help promote appetite suppression.  Have you ever noticed that chewing a piece of peppermint gum helps curb your cravings?  Sipping on peppermint tea could offer a similar effect.  There was an actual study done to prove it.  In the study, subjects were asked to inhale peppermint scent every few hours for a period of 2 weeks.  At the end of the brief study, the participants were found to have consumed fewer total calories, less fat and less sugar.  They also said that experienced lower overall hunger during that time.  There's just something about peppermint that takes away the desire for food.  Even after brushing my teeth, I don't want to eat anything for a while.  

When you drink peppermint tea, you experience the sensation of inhaling the intoxicating scent of fresh, cooling mint like the study participants but with the added bonus of drinking in the nutritional benefits.  Peppermint tea is perfect for drinking while at the office if you're trying to avoid the trap of over snacking.  

Debloat and Digest

One of my favorite benefits of peppermint tea is it's powerful debloating effect.  Peppermint tea's ability to combat bloating might have to do with its high concentration of flavonoids which are compounds that help the cells to fight off free radicals.  Flavonoids also help to calm and soothe the bacteria in our gut that's responsible for poor digestion and bloating.  If you search "peppermint tea" on Tiktok, you'll find countless videos from people sharing their success from managing bloat with a simple cup of peppermint tea.  It's a perfect "after dinner" beverage to help your body to digest your meal properly.  

We love peppermint tea and all the wonderful properties it offers.  That's why we incorporated mint-tea with our best selling bamboo tea to create an ultimate beauty tea blend.   There's nothing like it on the market.   Our mint-tea bamboo combines the well know hair, skin and nails benefits associated with silica-rich bamboo with the clear skin and debloating benefits of peppermint.  This is truly a multi-purpose, multi-benefit tea that you absolutely must try for your self. 



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